
Dr Olu-Osarogie

Dr Rania Papakonstantinou (Female)
Part timeMD, MRCGP
Dr Ranis Papakonstantinou was born in Greece and has been living in the UK for the last 13 years. She enjoys all aspects of General Medicine. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, playing & watching basket ball, also relaxing with a good book.

Dr Nimisha Chanduka (Female)
Clinical Team

Julie Hookins
A Qualified General Nurse for 30 years developing a wide range of experience and skills. Julie previously worked as a District Nurse and at a more advanced level, as a Community Matron and Independent prescriber. As a Nurse Practitioner at Friary House Surgery she is able to provide telephone triage and consultations for minor illnesses and Long term conditions, to compliment the GP service.
Nurse Practitioner

Mandy Lamble
Mandy graduated from Plymouth University in 2004 with a DipHE (Adult) Nursing and has since continued her study whilst working full time. She has gained a BSc (hons) degree in Health Studies, Independent Prescribing qualification and more recently Masters level modules in advanced clinical practice.
Nurse Practitioner
As a nurse practitioner at Friary House surgery she is able to provide telephone triage and consultations for Minor illnesses and long-term conditions, to complement the GP service.
Mandy is married with 3 grown up children and enjoys exploring the great outdoors.

Kirstie is a very experienced HCA and is currently undertaking a Level 4 university course to progress in her career. Kirstie has a keen interest in wound management.
Healthcare Assistant

Sue Tenger
Sue has been our phlebotomist since 2005 and since then has been trained to undertake blood pressure monitoring and urinalysis. She completed an NVQ 111 in Health Care in 2010.

Jamie Weller
Jamie graduated from the University of Plymouth in 2018 with a BSc (hons) Paramedic Practitioner. Jamie has since continued his study on the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme, inclusive of independent prescribing, with additional modules in mentorship, remote clinical decision making and minor illness and injury. Jamie continues to work clinically in primary care alongside his academic role and has a specialist interest in event and sporting medicine.
Paramedic Practitioner

Adam Clifford
Advanced Paramedic
Adam is an advanced paramedic, working part-time in general practice and part-time as a lecturer for the University of Cumbria. Adam holds bank contracts with NHS and private healthcare providers for emergency 999 work, out-of-hours, urgent care, emergency departments and events. Adam completed his BSc (Hons) Paramedic Practitioner in 2018 and a PGCert in Clinical Education (2020 – with merit) both from Plymouth University. Having achieved independent and supplementary prescriber status while studying towards his first Master of Science degree in 2022, Adam has continued study and will finish his second masters degree in Advanced Clinical Practice with Plymouth University in mid-2023. Adam started with the University of Cumbria as a lecturer of paramedic practice in December 2020, he has since joined the non-medical prescribing team as a senior lecturer. Adam’s post-nominals are: MSc PiPC, BSc (Hons), PGCert ClinEd, FHEA, MCPara.

Dan Anstiss

Lena Key
Healthcare Assistant
Care Certificate – The Devon Training Hub
Smoking cessation advisor
Health Promotion
Wound Care
Currently studying via e-learning with Hertfordshire University towards Level 4 Care Certificate with the aim to qualify as a Nursing Associate in the future.
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family and getting lost in a good book.

Kerry Evans
Practice Nurse

Jane Emerson
Lead Practice Nurse

Craig Lees
Practice Nurse

Lois Ford
Practice Nurse

Bonnie Lamb
Practice Team
The practice would not work as effectively without the help and support of our administration department.
Health Coordinators
The Health Co-ordinators are here to help you, but they have a difficult job dealing with constant telephone calls and enquiries. They will need to ask you medical details in order to work effectively and as such, are bound by the same code of confidentiality as the Doctors and clinical team.
Healthcare Team
Community Midwives
The midwives are attached to the practice and share the routine maternity care with the doctors.
Community Nurses
The community nurses offer nursing care for people of all age groups in their home, when necessary. Arrangement for this will usually be made through your GP, but community nurses can be contacted by leaving a message with reception.
Health Visitors
Tel: 0845 155 8045
The health visitors attached to this practice are trained nurses, some of whom are midwives. All health visitors undertake further training in health promotion and are usually associated with visiting families and children under 5 years of age.
Counselling services are provided by the The Zone (01752 – 206626), next to Kularoos on Union St.
Bereavement Advisor
Friary House Surgery has a bereavement clinic; Sue Kehoe is offering appointments fortnightly within the surgery for patients who are struggling following a death or trying to manage their feelings whilst living with someone who has a terminal illness. You can self-refer by asking the Health Coordinators to book you an appointment or mention it to your clinician.