Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Any problems please contact the surgery.
Changes to the way some prescriptions are to be processed
Some drugs are in certain groups which may be under specific legal control regulations (Controlled Drugs) and some drugs which are borderline to these regulations. These include tramadol, paracetamol with codeine preparations (e.g. cocodamol 30/500), codydramol, dihydrocodeine, codeine, diazepam, temazepam and zopiclone.
All these drugs will now not be available as a Repeat prescription but will be moved to an Acute prescription. This means that the staff have to consult with a doctor each time it is requested before the prescription can be issued. Prescriptions can still be ordered in the normal way but may need longer to be signed off by a doctor and it will not be able to be sent via the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS).
This process has been put in place as a safety measure for all patients on these medicines.